
Xbox One gets Japan release datecomment_here

xbox one japan
Are Microsoft starting to get desperate? 

A bold move by Microsoft was made today, after the technology giant announced that the Xbox One will launch in Japan on September 4, 2014. Apparently  dozens of developers are onboard for the launch, ready to make the game scene in the far east upstart immediately.

Not being a stranger to Japan, the late Xbox 360 tried, and failed miserably overseas in Asia. This was due simply to the reason that they were only interested in the console for RPG’S, and some shooters. But beyond that , there was nothing to be desired for the console, or its multi-player options.

A tweet from Xbox Japan revealed the date, while Japanese games magazine Famitsu, translated by Gematsu, says that various developers, such as Arc System Works, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Cave, CyberConnect2, From Software, Konami, Level 5 and Sega are all in the process of developing games for the system. Maybe Square Enix will pop up with stand-alone titles for Microsoft now.

Microsoft originally refused to comment on the Japanese launch of the Xbox One, and instead stated that the console would launch in Asia in late 2014. And with the recent console ban from China lifted, one can only speculate as to what this means for developers and uncharted territory with Asia. 

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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