
The Last Tinker: City of Colors - World trailercomment_here

the last tinker city of color
The Last Tinker ain´t far away now.

I just heard that Mimimi Productions action/platform game "The Last Tinker: City of Colors" are soon to be released on Steam (on May the 12th). And to make things even better. There´s a 10% price cut on The Last Tinker at the moment (it´s yours for 19,79 Euro via Steam). 

So if you wanna make a good deal. Then head over to Steam and buy The Last Tinker right away! And oh, don´t forget to checkout the "World trailer" as well (while you're at it).

Press release:
"San Francisco, USA -- April 28th, 2014 -- Award-winning developer Mimimi Productions and Unity Games are pleased to announce that the 3D action adventure game The Last Tinker: City of Colors, will be available for Windows PC, Mac and Linux on May 12th through digital distribution service Steam. In this award-winning platformer, players battle the forces of evil as Koru, a cheerful and acrobatic young boy with unique abilities, aims to return brightness and vitality back to his homeland. For pricing and additional information visit: http://steam.thelasttinker.com"

About The Last Tinker:
In a world where creativity has given way to conflict, a young street kid living in the slums of Colortown seeks to restore the spark of imagination to his hometown. As Koru, you must harness the power of color to defeat the Bleakness and make Colortown vibrant once again. A charming blend of modern platforming and multicolored style, The Last Tinker is a one-of-a-kind adventure.

Along with having recently been awarded the “Best Game in Show, Audience Choice” prize at the 2014 Casual Connect conference, The Last Tinker also won the "Best Project" award at Game Connection 2011.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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