
The banner saga - Den 14 Januari smäller det!comment_here

the banner saga
Kommer The banner saga att leverera? Vi får väl se.

Det börjar verkligen att dra dra ihop sig för Stoic och deras The banner saga. För releasen är ju som bekant tänkt att äga rum den 14 Januari nästa år. Så man får väl hoppas att spelet lever upp till all hypé och alla förväntningar.

"Rough Guide to Travel" videon båddar dock riktigt jäkla gott inför framtiden! 

"November 21, 2013 – Stoic, an Austin based independent game development company today released a tutorial video entitled “Rough Guide to Travel” for their upcoming single-player game release The Banner Saga. The video summarizes key attributes that a player needs to take into consideration when deciding the travel strategy during their journey in the game.

The travel strategy in The Banner Saga is a unique gameplay element not seen in many other games. Highlights of the trailer include a focus on how managing morale, supplies and population can greatly affect the player’s personal experience, as well as how they can directly impact each other. It also touches on how to best use “Camp”, which is where a player can rest their caravan, organize their party and where a lot of decision making with regards to upgrading characters is made.

The Banner Saga is currently in development and has a confirmed release date of 1/14/14 for PC and Mac."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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