
Cabals The Card Game - Ett F2P online kortspelcomment_here

cabals the card game
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Hur många utav de har det som krävs för att ta sig anna Magic the Gathering? För det är utan tvekan Magic som dominerar den marknaden just nu. Så det ska bli intressant att se vad Kyy Games "Cabals The Card Game" kan leverera på den fronten.

Cabals är dock (till skillnad mot många andra kortspel) ett F2P spel för både iOS, Android och PC (Unity stöd direkt i webbläsaren). Så gillar man kortspel, då bör man helt klart ge Cabals The Card Game en chans i alla fall.

Om Cabals The Card Game:
"Cabals: the Card Game is an exciting, new online trading card game for iPhone, iPad, Android devices and browsers. With innovative mechanics, stunning art, instant multiplayer action, rewarding single player mode, and regular updates with new cards, Cabals: the Card Game sets a new standard for online trading card games.

Cabals: the Card Game re-invents online trading card games (also known as online TCGs, online collectible card games or CCGs) with a game board that introduces a completely new spatial dimensions into card games. With this innovative new approach, the value of each card is not determined only by its attributes and powers, but also by where it's located on the game board. In Cabals: the Card Game, the smallest being can truly change the world."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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