
Prison Architect Alpha 11 - Fixar och nytt godis på ingående!comment_here

prison architect alpha 11
Alpha 11 innehåller en hel del fixar och annat godis. Så ladda ner den asap!

Jag tänkte bara informera våra läsare om att Introversion Software nu släppt Alpha 11 versionen utav sitt Prison Architect. Så det ska "bara" vara att uppdatera spelet. Detaljer om bugg fixar m.m. Finner ni via Prison Architects hemsida.

"BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!" Alpha 11 brings a host of new features, bug fixes and improvements, not least of which is hearses to take away the unfortunately deceased. Purchase of neighbouring plots of land is now possible. We've also added a TimeLapse video capture system so that you can film the construction of your prisons. Get recording, we can't wait to see your videos!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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