
Deus Ex Machina 2 - En remake på originaletcomment_here

deus ex machina 2
Mindfu** much?

Det här är nog lugnt den här veckans mest udda spelnyhet får jag säga. Jag vet inte hur många utav er som minns GOTY spelet "Deus Ex Machina" från 1984 (Mel Croucher), för det gör dessvärre inte jag. Men nu är alltså en remake på G (Deus Ex Machina 2), och dess Kickstarter kampanj har varit igång i ett par dagar nu.

Och det har väl rätt gått rätt hyffens får jag väl säga. För Mel Croucher har ju trots allt fått ihop nästan 30,000 dollar utav de 64,000 dollar som han behöver. Tiden har dock börjat rinna ut. Det är ju bara 12 dagar kvar tills deadlinen löper ut.

Så frågan är om Mel kommer att hinna att få ihop de sista slantarna som behövs för att Deus Ex Machina 2  ska bli av? Time will tell...Ni kan i alla fall testa på det första spelbara demot utav Deus Ex Machina 2 (Fertilizer And Birth!) via dess hemsida.

"The world's first interactive movie Deus Ex Machina 2, brings you the first playable demo, Fertilizer And Birth! Deus Ex Machina 2 is the re imagination of the classic 1984 Game Of The Year, Deus Ex Machina, the first true multimedia video game ever made.

Written by Mel Croucher, creator of the original game, published by Automata, the first video games company in the UK, this brand new version is a darkly comic cradle-to-grave roller coaster of your entire life. It takes you on a surreal journey from before your own birth, all the way through the temptations and dangers of your life, and beyond your own death. Christopher Lee's narration ranges from chilling to deeply moving as he takes over the role played by "Doctor Who" Jon Pertwee in the original version. The music's great too! The late lamented Ian Dury has been remastered for a "live" reprise of his original role, including his kick in the teeth duet against video games that encourage greed and violence.

Deus Ex Machina 2 has been translated into 19 languages, the soundtrack album has been released, and the book of the game includes the no-holds-barred inside story of how the computer games industry started and where it's heading. But before the reborn version of his classic game is let loose, Mel Croucher is determined to get as many players involved as possible to have their say on how it looks and plays.

"All I had to do was stay alive for another thirty years and wait for the technology to catch up," Croucher says. "That and wait for the wonder of crowd-funding to be born." He declares, "Back in the day, we never sold out to banks, advertisers or parasites, we only ever dealt direct with our players. Now we can reward them in advance thanks to mechanisms like Kickstarter."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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