
Three Deadzed - Livet som zombie är hårtcomment_here

three dead zed
Man får det stora nöjet att styra tre olika zombies i Three Deadzed, och Varje zombie har sina styrkor, respektive svagheter  (Lost Vikings någon?).

Vanligtvis så spelar man ju som den personen som ska döda zombies. Men ibland så dyker det upp titlar som t.ex. Stubbs the zombie, där rollerna är helt ombyta. Man spelar då istället som de levande döda, som söker konstant efter hjärnor att frossa på.

Gentleman Squid Studio har snickrat ihop just en sådan titel, faktumet är att ALLT i Three Deadzed är ritat för hand. Three Deadzed är en action/pussel titel, där man kan anta formen som three helt olika zombies (tänk typ, The Lost Vikings. Fast med zombies istället).

Allt med en touch utav bisarr humor. Vad sägs t.ex. om katter som bär små foliehattar?. Så för att summera ihop det hela. Man får styra tre zombies, och spelet inkluderar följande. Katter med foliehattar, handritad grafik och en sjuk, men underhållande humor.

Priset ligger dessutom bara på runt 30kr via indievania. Så köp säger jag bara!

"Three Dead Zed is a 2D action platformer game intended for digital distribution on the PC. It is being developed by a small team of programmers and artists who, for years, have been working for "The Man" and developing games more for educational purposes with limitations imposed by clients. Implementing our bizarre sense of humor, we have been given the opportunity to bring you a game that feels original, despite having zombies.

It's no secret the government wants to weaponize the dead. Just look at how many zombie games there are! But this time, it's all different. You are the project. You are the zombie. Unlike the thousands of other zombies, you're a bit smarter. You don't just run about aimlessly looking for your next meal. You can understand speech and can take orders. Project Z.E.D. has finally broken through and made a zombie into a potential weapon. In addition to understanding, you are imbued with the ability to change form, switching between zombie abilities.

During one training session, a voice talks to you directly. Not over an intercom, but directly into your skull with telepathy. Who is this mysterious force talking to you? What do they want with you? And what's the deal with all these cats???"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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