
Ingen Blu-ray spelare för 360comment_here

Är det ett final statement? det får framtiden avgöra.

Det har surrats fram och tillbaks hurvida 360 skulle kunna få en Blu-ray spelare eller ej. Men idag så verkar det som om det ryktet blivit punkterat för gott.

Xbox Live's director of programming, Larry Hryb, has clarified comments made by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer concerning Xbox 360 and Blu-ray.

Asked recently whether Microsoft has plans for an Xbox 360 Blu-ray drive, Ballmer said: “Well I don't know that we need to put Blu-ray in there - you'll be able to get Blu-ray drives, you can get Blu-ray drives as accessories.”

According to Hryb, Ballmer was "referring to Blu-ray accessories for the PC”, and Microsoft has “no plans” to introduce a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360.

“In fact,” he added, “the future of home entertainment starts very soon when Xbox 360 becomes the first and only console to offer instant-on 1080p streaming HD movies. With a library of thousands of TV shows and movies to choose from, Xbox 360 owners can instantly watch the movies they want, when they want, in the highest form of high definition.”


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