
25% rabatt hos Telltale gamescomment_here

Guybrush försökte muntra upp snubben med Telltale´s rabatt erbjudande.

Just nu får man 25% rabatt på alla produkter som man beställer via Telltale´s hemsida. En monkey island collectors för min del, får det bli.

"As we awaken in a nest of wrapping paper, candy canes still clutched in our hands, we look around and realize there's a big day of cleaning ahead of us. We need your help,"

"Our site and store are a mess! Buy some store merchandise and we'll give you 25% off the entire order, to save us the trouble of organizing. Shipping is still free on orders over $25, so get moving, pick up these deals before we clean them up ourselves! ...After we finish this eggnog."
- Telltale´s blogg

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