
Playstation 4 corrupt single player data files

playstation 4
Sony are working around the clock on a fix for the corrupt sp data files problem.

Ouch...this ain´t good news for Sony or the PS4 users at all. Cuz at this very time some PS4 users suffers from corrupt single player data files. And that is (as you might figure) a really serious issue. Well, let´s just say that the +36 pages long PS4 forum thread, speaks for itself.

And from what i have learned. It doesn't matter what game you play. Cuz you can still get the corrupt data file problem. So yes, this is something that Sony need to fix and sort out asap.

But until then, be sure to do backups of your save files regularly (daily).
/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Alien Isolation PS4 interview - Official playstation magazine

alien isolation
No one can hear you scream in space.  That sounds very comforting right?

I wrote about Creative Assembly´s upcoming Alien game "Alien Isolation" (which is a FPS/Survival horror game for PC, 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4) just recently (The search for Ellen Ripley). Well, guess what? I found a really good Alien Isolation interview this morning.

It´s done by the Official playstation magazine. So, check it out!

About Alien Isolation:
"Dive deeper into Alien: Isolation and get an insight into Creative Assembly's vision for the game.

Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother's disappearance.

As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien.

Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Sony hates their Japanese PS4 fans?

playstation 4
Sony released the PS4 console outside Japan first.

I can´t help feeling a bit sorry for the Japanese Gamers. Cuz as you may know. The Japanese market won´t get the PS4 before the 22th of February. That would seem rather strange for the most. Especially due the fact that America and Europe, got their hands on the PS4 in November last year.

Me, i couldn't understand the logic behind this decision (at least not in the beginning). I mean, why would Sony do something like that?Well, as it turns out. Sony actually acted in a very logic kind of way. You see, there was not that many  "Japan oriented" PS4 games when the PS4 was about to launch last year.

That´s why Sony decided to release the PS4 in Europe and the states first. Now i understand that part perfectly. But i sure as hell don´t understand the new Japanese PS4 commercial. It´s like this 1 minute (almost) long troll/co** tease video.

Because you see all these happy PS4 owners from different countries, having a blast with their PS4. Cuz keep in mind. The Japanese Gamers have to wait to the end of February. So it must be a really pain in the ass to watch that ad in Japan.

So i really hope that the Japanese players will get something "extra" when the PS4 has it´s release in Japan. To ease the pain you know.

"Sony just wants to make sure that when PlayStation 4 launches in Japan there is a good line-up of titles for Japan," the console's lead architect and Knack creative director Mark Cerny said.

"Perhaps you could say that a few western developers have been more aggressive in readying titles for the hardware."

"A next-generation home console has been a strong request from western developers who were anxious to see such devices," Ito said. "That's why we decided to go ahead with the EU and US launches... because EU and US titles were ready."

"That's definitely a major factor when we decided where to launch when," Yoshida said. "The readiness from the publisher standpoint, and consumers and the media - everybody was ready. We were constantly told we should release new hardware!

"Compared to that, Japan is completely different. It's more portable-heavy, but the PS3 is catching up. Of course, after we announced PS4 in February, luckily publishers are showing an interest. But it's a completely different picture of readiness compared to Western publishers." - Shuhei Yoshida, CEO Worldwide Studios. Via Eurogamer


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Metal Gear Solid 5 on the PSVita - Kojima speaks up

hideo kojima mgs5 psvita
Kojima sure knows how to troll the MGS fans world wide.

It always seems like the most interesting stuff always takes place while im a sleep. I'm of course referring to all the awesome MGS5 stuff that Hideo Kojima spit out over Twitter last night. Like the fact that Kojima played MGS5 via a PSVita.

It´s possible to do that thanks to the technolgy behind Sony´s Remote Play service (PS4/Vita). And from all the translations i read on Kojimas twitter page. It seems like Kojima was stunned by the beautiful graphics on the PSvita (MGS5).

So it doesn't seem like you lose all that much graphic quality when you use Remote Play on your PSV. And that´s some really great news! That also means that we are likely to see even more PS4 titles on the PSV in the future. 

Im also quite sure that both Sony and third-party developers. Will take full advantage of this opportunity. Because anything else would just be plain stupid. Cuz, let´s face it. Streaming and cloud services are the future.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

inFAMOUS Second Son - Uber epic graphics

infamous second son
The game are set for a release on the 21th of March this year.

It seems like Sucker Punch Productions have decided to spill the beans about their game inFAMOUS Second Son. But that´s only logic really. Cuz the release are just a few months away now. So, what am i talking about? Well, just some hours ago.

Sucker Punch Productions started to drop a handfull of screenshoots and conceptart pictures via Twitter. And i think it´s quite safe to say that inFAMOUS Second Son looks absolutely stunning. I mean, just check this CVG picture out!

But still the question remains. Are inFAMOUS Second Son THE best looking video game to date?


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Obsidian could be working on Fallout 4 for PS4

fallout 4
Will we ever see a sequel to Fallout 3?

Yes, the sad truth about the Fallout 4 teaser site hoax (The Survivor 2299) sure was painfull for all of us. But there seems to be some hope for us (and Fallout 4) after all. Cuz i just heard that Obsidian are hiring for a “ground-breaking” next-gen game.

That game could of course be just about "any" game. But im just writing what everyone thinks and hopes for. Cuz i think that i speak for everyone. When i say that i really, REALLY want to see a Fallout 4 happen. But at this time, there is no information (whatsoever) about Obsidian´s top secret nextgen game.

So i guess that we just have to wait and see what Obsidian are up to.


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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