Toki Tori 2 + - Nu på Steam!
Ett väldigt gulligt, roligt och underhållande pussel/plattformsspel.
Jag gjorde precis en riktigt trevlig upptäckt. Jag såg nämligen att Two Tribes Toki Tori 2 + precis haft release på Steam (Releasen var igår faktiskt). Själv så trodde jag att spelet endast fanns på Wii-U. Men som tur är hade jag fel.
Så nog känner jag för att spendera 9 Euro på Toki Tori 2 + alltid! (Som btw fått väldigt bra betyg).
"Toki Tori 2+ is a Metroidvania style puzzle adventure. There are no tutorials, there's no hand-holding, no-one tells you what to do in Toki Tori 2+. The fun is in exploring and overcoming the obstacles of the lush forest island on your own merit.
Our unlikely yellow hero may be the star of the show, but he won't get anywhere without the creatures he meets along the way. Armed with just the Whistle and Stomp moves, he can influence and make use of these strange creatures' unique abilities.
But what's up with that black goo? It's threatening your home world! Your goal is to get to the core of the corruption and save the island!"
- Explore a beautiful, Metroidvania style open world.
- Discover how to interact with the creatures in your environment.
- Follow the path, or stray off-road and tackle the expert puzzles.
- Use the in-game camera and snap photos of creatures for the Tokidex.
- Steam Workshop: Create and share your own levels with the level editor.
- Toki Tori 2+ is huge. We dare you to find all it has to offer.
- Including 30+ Steam achievements.
- For Mac & PC (uses SteamPlay).
Civilization V Brave New World - Världen är din

Brave New World har för tillfället ett snittbetyg på 83.06%.
Man skulle kanske kunna tro att Firaxis och Sid Meier mjölkat sönder Civilization vid det här laget. Men tillskillnad från "andra" serier (Inga namn nämda), så har Civ serien hållit en rätt jämn kvalitétskurva genom årens lopp.
Såldes är inte Civ V Brave New World något undantag. Det är mer utav allt, samt en hel del nytt Civ godis som står på Brave New World menyn. Så är man ett fan utav Civ V, då lär man nog inte bli besviken Brave New World (Som finns att köpa nu).
"Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World provides new depth and replayability through the introduction of international trade and a focus on culture and diplomacy. The player's influence around the world will be impacted by creating a number of Great Works across a variety of crafts, choosing an ideology for their civilization, and proposing global resolutions in the new World Congress. As players move through the ages of history, they will make critical decisions that influence relationships with all civilizations in the game world."
Rising Storm - Japan Vs Usa anno 1942 och 1945

Vilken sida väljer du? För min del är det ett givet val att spela som Japan.
Tripwire Interactive är ett utav ytterst få spelutvecklare som verkligen bryr sig om PC-spelarna och PC formatet. De värnar dessutom väldigt mycket om sin fanbase. Därav att Rising Storm (Som btw drivs utav Unreal Engine 3) tagits emot med öppna armar utav PC Gamers världen över också.
Samt så har Rising Storm fått rätt bra betyg utav en samlad spelpress också (För tillfället så har spelet ett snittbetyg på 81.50% via Så gillar man Red Orchestra 2, då tycker jag helt klart att man ska köpa Rising Storm (Som just nu kostar 17,99 Euro via Steam).
Jag avrundar det här inlägget med en väldigt träffande kommentar från youtube-användaren JamesNade.
"You are one the last real Companies doing pc games for pc gamers and deliver exactly what we want! Thank you for Rising Storm , i love it! I play since the original Red Orchestra mod for UT! Keep it up!" - JamesNade
"Rising Storm is the next game in the award-winning Red Orchestra franchise. You know the great gameplay, innovative features and realistic audio and graphics of RO2 - Rising Storm will take this to the Pacific Theater, adding even more features, new levels, new weapons and new factions. The game will allow the player to fight across iconic locations from the famous island-hopping campaigns in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945, as the US Army and Marine Corps fight it out with the Imperial Japanese army and Special Naval Landing Forces. Players will experience beach assaults, jungle fighting, close quarters night fighting and more across Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Saipan, among other iconic battles. The player is able to take the part of either side – American or Japanese – battling it out online in multiplayer on up to 64-player servers.
Rising Storm also introduces an entirely new type of gameplay to the franchise - asymmetrical warfare. The American’s have the apparent advantage in firepower with their fast firing semi-automatic rifles, fully automatic weapons, and devastating flamethrower. The Japanese balance this out with gameplay elements that model their raw courage, ferocity, and cunning use of equipment. Their knee mortars allow them to rain indirect fire down on their enemies from anywhere in the map. Grenades can be planted and turned into booby-traps for unwary GIs. The Japanese put very high store on close-quarter combat, with a bayonet on almost every weapon – even machine guns and SMGs. Their banzai charge suppresses the enemy making it difficult for them to return fire and gives them an opportunity to close in to use bayonets and katanas on their opponents."
- Large Scale Multiplayer Combat in The Pacific: Take part in the brutal fighting in the Pacific online with up to 64 players at a time.
- Iconic Battles: Experience iconic battles such as Iwo Jima, Saipan, and Guadalcanal as the US military struggles to clear the Japanese from the islands in the Pacific.
- Asymmetrical Gameplay: Far from the mirrored gameplay seen in other shooters, both sides utilize historical weapon sets and each have unique gameplay capabilities. American firepower is matched by Japanese ferocity and guile with such features as banzai charges, booby-traps, the infamous “knee mortar” and more. This creates a unique gameplay experience that can’t be found anywhere else.
- WWII weaponry redefined – again: all of the weapon functionality you expect from the franchise returns - true to life ballistics, bullet penetration, breathing, adjustable sights, free aim, weapon bracing, and more, create WWII weaponry that has no equal. To that add over 20 new weapons including the devastating flamethrower and the portable “knee mortar”.
- Morale: Your soldier’s state of mind plays a bigger role than ever. Banzai charging Japanese soldiers can heavily suppress the Americans making it difficult to return fire and allowing the Japanese to close the distance. - The Americans can use their firepower advantage to suppress their enemies and gain the advantage!
- Bonus Content: All Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer content is included with Rising Storm as a free bonus. Fight in the Pacific, then fight on the Eastern Front at any time, all in the same game and same server browser. Find out what made Red Orchestra 2 PC Gamer’s Multiplayer FPS of the Year in 2011 with this award winning content.
- Full Mod SDK and Steam Workshop Support: Download some of the amazing existing community made content for Red Orchestra 2, or try your hand with the mod SDK and make your own maps or mods for either Rising Storm or Red Orchestra 2.
- Persistent Stats Tracking and Player Progression: Persistence constantly gives the gamer something to strive for and keeps them playing. Grow in rank, earn achievements, improve your abilities, and become a Hero!
MechWarrior Tactics - Ett f2p turordningsbaserat actionspel

MWT är ett f2p browserspel som drivs utav Unity motorn.
Jag vet inte riktigt varför allt och alla skriker som grisar så fort som de hör free-to-play och browserspel. Klart att det finns dåliga spel i den kategorin, men det gör det ju i alla kategorier. Man behöver ju liksom inte döma ut spelet på en gång.
I det här fallet så rör det sig om Roadhouse Interactives MechWarrior Tactics. Som är en blandning utav både action, och turordningsbaserad strategi. Jag har precis kollat på den första trailern för spelet, och imo. Så ser och känns inte MWT som en B titel.
Men vi får väl se hur det blir med den saken. Om det är något utav intresse. Så kan ni skriva upp er för betan via MWTs hemsida.
"Introducing the latest evolution of turn-based strategy, blending tactical gameplay, deep collectability and unique online features as you command numerous BattleMechs against an online opponent towards victory.
MechWarrior Tactics allows players the freedom to collect and purchase combat and cosmetic resources to outfit each Battlemech and assemble a Lance of four. Master each ‘Mech Chassis, perfect insidious tactical maneuvers and develop endless new configurations in your Mechbay.
MechWarrior Tactics is a collectible turn-based strategy game that uses cards to represent the various components of your ‘Mechs including the ‘Mechs themselves, weapons and pilots. Players earn or purchase new cards in packages called STACs (Surplus Technology Armament Containers). STACs contain a random assortment of cards with all of the components that will help you craft the ‘Mechs that fit your playstyle and take you to victory!
MechWarrior Tactics puts you in the seat as a Commander of your own Mercenary company, looking for work across the universe. You build, expand and customize your Lances as you see fit.
Using cards to build ‘Mechs for battle against other players, human or AI, each player starts their illustrious MechWarrior Tactics career with a set of cards representing their starting Lance of 4 fully outfitted ‘Mechs. Jump into the Mech Bay and make these ‘Mechs your own with endless customizable options.
After assembling the ultimate Lance, put both your friends and enemies to the test in this asynchronous, simultaneously declared, double-blind battle of wits. Stepping onto the hex-based battlefield, challenge your skill combining your perfected builds and strategic expertise to glorious victory!"
Firefall - Blackwater Anomaly Gameplay Trailer
Den öppna betan drar igång den 9 Juli. Vill säga på tisdag i nästa vecka.
Nu börjar det verkligen att dra ihop sig för Red 5 Studios F2P FPS spel "Firefall". För inte nog med att den öppna betan drar igång om knappt en vecka. Det pumpas även ut nya trailers och gameplay videos för Firefall också.
Vad sägs t.ex. om "Blackwater Anomaly" videon? Den fungerade som en stämningshöjare för min del i alla fall.
"Beyond the walls of the Melding, discover the mysterious Blackwater Anomaly, the newest instance in the highly-anticipated free to play MMOFPS, Firefall. Join us July 9th for Open Beta, and see all Firefall has to offer!"
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - PC Launch Trailer

Finish him!
Äntligen så har NetherRealm Studios Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition landat på PC. Faktumet är att releasen ägde rum idag via Steam (Där priset är 28 Euro för tillfället). Det fick jag nämligen klart för mig efter att jag kollat på den uber coola releasetrailern för MK KE samlingen.
Så är man ett Mortal Kombat fan och en PC Gamer, då finns det inget att tveka över!
"The newest chapter of the iconic fighting franchise is now available! Experience the deadliest tournament with all the kombatants and their unique fatalities. Players enter the realm to face the Kombatants in Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, delivering all of the downloadable content (DLC), including intrepid warriors Skarlet, Kenshi and Rain, as well as the notorious dream stalker Freddy Krueger. Additionally, the game offers 15 Klassic Mortal Kombat Skins and three Klassic Fatalities (Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile).
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition features dynamic gameplay including Tag Team, Challenge Tower and a full feature length story mode. Players choose from an extensive lineup of the game’s iconic warriors and challenge their friends in traditional 1 vs. 1 matches, or gamers can spectate battles and interact directly with Kombatants online during the King of the Hill mode. The game supports the Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition Fight Stick and delivers full controller capability. Players will also be able to access achievements and leaderboard stats."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground