
MechWarrior Tactics - Ett f2p turordningsbaserat actionspelcomment_here

mechwarrior tactics
MWT är ett f2p browserspel som drivs utav Unity motorn.

Jag vet inte riktigt varför allt och alla skriker som grisar så fort som de hör free-to-play och browserspel. Klart att det finns dåliga spel i den kategorin, men det gör det ju i alla kategorier. Man behöver ju liksom inte döma ut spelet på en gång.

I det här fallet så rör det sig om Roadhouse Interactives MechWarrior Tactics. Som är en blandning utav både action, och turordningsbaserad strategi. Jag har precis kollat på den första trailern för spelet, och imo. Så ser och känns inte MWT som en B titel.

Men vi får väl se hur det blir med den saken. Om det är något utav intresse. Så kan ni skriva upp er för betan via MWTs hemsida.

"Introducing the latest evolution of turn-based strategy, blending tactical gameplay, deep collectability and unique online features as you command numerous BattleMechs against an online opponent towards victory.

MechWarrior Tactics allows players the freedom to collect and purchase combat and cosmetic resources to outfit each Battlemech and assemble a Lance of four. Master each ‘Mech Chassis, perfect insidious tactical maneuvers and develop endless new configurations in your Mechbay.

MechWarrior Tactics is a collectible turn-based strategy game that uses cards to represent the various components of your ‘Mechs including the ‘Mechs themselves, weapons and pilots. Players earn or purchase new cards in packages called STACs (Surplus Technology Armament Containers). STACs contain a random assortment of cards with all of the components that will help you craft the ‘Mechs that fit your playstyle and take you to victory!

MechWarrior Tactics puts you in the seat as a Commander of your own Mercenary company, looking for work across the universe. You build, expand and customize your Lances as you see fit.

Using cards to build ‘Mechs for battle against other players, human or AI, each player starts their illustrious MechWarrior Tactics career with a set of cards representing their starting Lance of 4 fully outfitted ‘Mechs. Jump into the Mech Bay and make these ‘Mechs your own with endless customizable options.

After assembling the ultimate Lance, put both your friends and enemies to the test in this asynchronous, simultaneously declared, double-blind battle of wits. Stepping onto the hex-based battlefield, challenge your skill combining your perfected builds and strategic expertise to glorious victory!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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