Perils of man - A top notch adventure game for iOS
Perils of man are made by the same people who made "The Dig", Full Throttle" and "The Curse of Monkey Island".
I can´t say that i have played that many good 3D point and click adventure games for iOS. But IF Games super awesome adventure game "Perils of man", really rocked my socks off. So i was quite surprised to find out that Perils of man chapter 1 are all free-to-play.
Because i honestly thought that Perils of man would be a 3-8 dollar iOS game. But i was wrong. I really think that IF Games deserves the money though. So i don´t know if one can donate money on their homepage? (or such).
Anyhow. If you love point and click adventure games, and just happens to own a iOS unit. Then you should download and play Perils of man asap!
About Perils of man:
"A modern 3D, point and click adventure game. Perils of Man reboots the classic graphic adventure game with a moving story that will leave you pondering its profound implications. Designed by veterans of LucasArts’ classics: The Curse of Monkey Island, The Dig, and Full Throttle. Imagine getting a glimpse into the secret clockwork of the universe. Imagine a machine that can crack the code of destiny and give you the power to tinker with fate. Imagine discovering that for generations your family has concealed this power from the outside world.
Ana Eberling may only be a teenager, but she is about to confront the biggest questions of life as she tries to solve the mystery of her father, a rogue scientist who vanished when she was just a little girl. With striking 3D animations, challenging puzzles, and a tip of the hat to steampunk, this epic adventure spans 150 years, darting from a tramp freighter adrift in the South China seas to impending disaster at the Chicago World’s Fair, bringing a host of unforgettable characters, perilous exploits, and existential riddles along for the ride."
Smash Hit - A really epic F2P mobile game

Once you play Smash hit you can´t stop!
I think i just found the very best F2P mobile game of 2014. I´m talking about Mediocre´s uber awesome iOS and Android game "Smash Hit". So what kind of game are Smash Hit then? Well, it´s action game. But with one hell of a twist (you must smash everything you see with the help of balls of steel (Duke Nukem style!).
About Smash hit:
Warfare Nations - A mix of Metal Slug and Advance Wars
It seems like Volv Interactive got something really nice in the making. Well, at least if you like games such as Advance Wars and Metal Slug. Because that´s the kind of vibes that i feelt when i watched the "Warfare Nations" trailer (but Warfare Nations takes place during WWII though).
And IF you like that kind of game. Then you can download and play Warfare Nations via either Google Play or Amazon. I should also point out that Warfare Nations will be release to iOS as well (on the 2th of June).
So keep an eye (or two) open for it!
"The Great war rages around! LEAD your TROOPS, PILOT your ARMORS and BLOW your ENEMIES sky high!
It's Europe and the world powers have descended into world war. Your troops need a leader at their most desperate hour. Could you be that leader? As the world holds its breath, the decisions are yours! Put on your boots and take to the mud and trenches of Europe. Build a base and bring your rivals to their knees!"
Key Features:
- Choose a side: Silver Fox and North Polar.
- War can be beautiful: Gorgeous retina graphics with 4 unique environments--Outskirts, Forest, Countryside, and Ruins.
- Dominate both land and sky with 50+ powerful combat units: 9 different infantry troops and armored units, plus 7 unique air support units.
- Conduct research to take your army to the next level: 35+ resource bases to explore and research new technologies.
- Draw your troops into battle: Line-drawing control system (think Flight Control).
- Engage in boss fights: 7 personality-laden bosses between levels—each fight worthy of a victory bonus.
- Build your army: Collect enough gold and iron to upgrade your HQ and strengthen your troops.
- Quick online battles: Always fast-paced—with just 1 minute to get started, and 5 minutes per round.
- Dominate your enemies online: Challenge thousands of other players, raid their bases, and enjoy the spoils of war!
- Smooth operator: Seamless connection for smartphones and tablets with matchmaking; supports Wi-Fi and 2G/3G/4G.
- Marching madness: Awesome soundtrack that pays homage to the heroic war movies of the 20th century.
Adventure To Fate: A Quest To The Core JRPG
Hardcore JRPG to the bone baby!
It's been quite some time since i played any old school Jrpg game (the Snes and Mega Drive era). But today i tried TouchMint LLC´s iOS Jrpg game "Adventure To Fate". And i have to say that it´s pretty darn good. At least for iPad (i haven't played the iPhone version, yet).
So if you´re up for some hardcore Jrpg Gaming. Then you might wanna buy Adventure To Fate. Whic you can buy for $2 via the App store.
About Adventure To Fate:
"Adventure To Fate : A Quest To The Core - is an JRPG style game with a medieval fantasy setting. - The Story Behind A Quest To The Core - Strange tidings have come to light in recent days, dark tales come from deep within the kingdom of Cardell.
Early tales of bodiless voices and whispers reached the kings ears. Voices heard by many throughout the kingdom during the darkest of nights. Voices calling out, calling out and drawing them in… On a dark cold night two of the kings finest knights disappeared. Many believed they fled the kingdom out of cowardice. Not all in the kingdom believed this to be true. Countless disappearances associated with the bodiless voices continued fortnight after fortnight.
Castle Cardell became a prison to all who lived within its walls, lords and ladies, princes and princesses were forbidden to leave their quarters after dusk. The disappearances stopped and the tales died down until one cloudy morn when the king was missing from his bed… Knights wondered how their king could have been taken? Mothers feared for their childrens lives and men slept with one eye open and a knife at their side. The kingdom was isolated to all outsiders.
Some wondered if the king simply descended into the dungeons alone looking for the source of evil. Others believed that evil had gained body and come for the king. Ravens were sent far and wide pleading for help. The greatest heroes of our realm responded with urgency wishing to assist in the quest for the king. The realm thanks you for your haste and pray to the gods for your safety in this matter. This will not be a simple journey and you can not be sure to come out of it with your life. I do not know what creatures and men you will find hidden deep below the floors, legend foretells that they are not from this world. May the gods keep you safe on this quest to the core."
ShadowCreep - A mobile 2D bow and arrow shooter
Shoot everything that moves!
I just tried Shanat Kolhatkar´s (the maker of "Puzzled") 2D bow and arrow shooter for iOS and Android. And it´s pretty darn good for being a free-to-play game. It´s also pretty addicting (so i must say). So if you´re up for some mobile arrow/shooter action.
Then you might wanna give ShadowCreep a try!
About ShadowCreep :
"ShadowCreep is a 2D bow and arrow shooter. You are Shade and your goal is to shoot down as many enemies as possible before they take you out. The game is designed to be very challenging but easy to pick up and play."
Cat Fights - Coming to the App store in July!

May the best cat win!
I just heard that Flow Studios will release their multiplayer cat fighting game "Cat Fights" for iOS by the end of July (It´s like the cat version of Dragon Ball Z) . I should point out though, Cat Fights will also be released for PC and MAC later on. But i think i´ll give it a try on my iPad =)
Dragonball meets Cats in a single player and multiplayer mode, there will be enough fighting for a whole universe! Everything is fair in a quest to beat the other cat with feline grace into submission in a dynamic. strategic fighting game on your iPad, PC and Mac."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground