
Smash Hit - A really epic F2P mobile gamecomment_here

smash hit
Once you play Smash hit you can´t stop!

I think i just found the very best F2P mobile game of 2014. I´m talking about Mediocre´s uber awesome iOS and Android game "Smash Hit". So what kind of game are Smash Hit then? Well, it´s action game. But with one hell of a twist (you must smash everything you see with the help of balls of steel (Duke Nukem style!).

But don´t take my word for it. Just watch the trailer and try the game yourselves ;) 

About Smash hit:
"Take a surreal journey through an otherworldly dimension, move in harmony with sound and music and smash everything in your path! This experience requires focus, concentration, and timing to not only travel as far as you can, but also break the beautiful glass objects that stand in your way."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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