
Point and Click Jam - 14th - 29th Novembercomment_here

point and click jam
Yep, that´s Maniac Mansion.

It was just pure luck that i even heard about the upcoming Point and Click Jam event. In fact, it´s because i noticed that the creators of Point and Click Jam are now following us on Twitter. So what´s the event all about then?

Well, basically the whole idea would be for people to make a adventure game within 15 days. Of course, there´s a set of rules which must be followed. For example, the graphic style must be of 80 and 90s origin (think the golden era of point and click adventure games, and you will be just fine).

So, when does the Point and Click Jam event start then? To be exact, in 72 days (in November). And you will find all the info you need down below. So, good luck people!

Create a Point and Click adventure in 15 Days.

- The game can be of any size/length.
- It must resemble the graphic style of a game from 80s/90s (LucasArts / Sierra / Delphine etc).
- It must look / sound / feel / play as if it is from a retro system (of your choice) using it's respective palette and resolution.
- It can use a SCUMM Verb/Object style system, or something of your own creation.

Activity Feed

Tweets with the hashtag #pointclickjam, screenshots, video uploads, and blog posts of jam games will be pulled into the feed while they're being worked on.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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