
Life is strange - A supernatural point and click gamecomment_here

life is strange  
Max are the lead character of Life is Strange. And she has the ability to to rewind time. 

"Remember Me" wasn't exactly a great game (the game had a average score of 73,33% to PS3, 68,73% for 360 and 67,06% to PC). But at least DONTNOD Entertainment tried to think outside the box. Just the fact that the choose to have female lead (that´s actually a decent "none" sexistic female character)., deserves a star in my book.

Even though Capcom may be done with DONTNOD, Square Enix are giving the studio a chance with their game new point-and-click game "Life is Strange" (which will be a episodic game). It´s nothing like Remember Me. But there are some tiny similarities. Because in Life is Strange, you (the player) once again play as a stronge female character

But that´s also where the similarities ends with Remember Me. Because Max (the lead character of Life is Strange) has supernatural powers. Or to be exact, she can rewind time. And that´s interesting on it´s own, but there seems to be a heavy storyline to Life is Strange as well.

So if we are lucky, we might get a really nice mix of both adventure, drama and sci-fi in Life is Strange. Let´s hope that´s the case. Sadly enough, there´s no release date for the game yet. But Life is Strange will be released to PC, PS3, PS4, 360 and Xbox One.

About Life is strange:
Life is Strange is the compelling story of Max, a Senior photography student who suddenly discovers she is able to rewind time. She uses her power to save the life of Chloe, her childhood friend, whom she has not seen in five years. For Chloe it’s been a turbulent time and she’s been drifting off course since her father’s tragic death.

The reunion will turn their lives upside down, as increasingly strange events plague the small town of Arcadia Bay both teenagers find themselves involved in a grim investigation into the mysterious disappearance of a high school student.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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