The Women Of #GamerGate - The female side of the story![Comment here! comment_here](
The female Gamers (and devs) is fed up with being shields for other peoples agendas and personal gains.
There´s now a open war against #GamerGate. And in case you have missed out on all the action that´s been going down lately. Both Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian has declaired war on #GamerGate (Wu wants #GamerGate to get shut down. And Sarkeesian aims to "fix" the industry. Zoe Quinn on the other hand, is way to busy earing indiegogo bucks together with Polygon).
And then we got all the lies that´s been told on TV (MsnBC, Matt Binder). The list goes on and on. But here´s the interesting thing. While media and the Anti #GamerGate movement talks about misogyny, sexism and death threats of female devs.
Very few (to none) has taken the time to actually ask (interview) the female Gamers and devs directly. To let them give their side of the story about #GamerGate and #NotYourShield. But thankfully enough, there´s a handful of friendly minded individuals that has taken matters into their own hands (so to speak).
So i toke the liberty to add some really good videos and articles (imo) that covers the female side of #GamerGate and #NotYourShield. So i hope that you guys will enjoy them =)
The Women Of #GamerGate No. 2:
The Emperor Has No Clothes #GamerGate #NotYourShield:
Developers On 'Gamergate:' Misogyny Isn't A Gaming Problem, It's An Internet Problem: