
Next Time on Dragon Ball Z! - New project comingcomment_here

dragon ball z ps4
The new DBZ game will be released to PS4, PS3 and 360.

Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular fighting game franchises of all time. A brand new project has appeared for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360! A teaser site has popped up and appears with nothing on it aside from the text (in Japanese) "teaser site open," upcoming plans for a trailer, and some screenshots!

Hopefully, this game will have the mechanics, and the tight combat the iconic series was made famous for. With Goku and the Z’ fighters in tow, we can rest assured the earth will be safe once more.

I anticipate that the announcement will come after we finally see the North American release of J’ Stars Victory on consoles. Dragon Ball Z has powered up in its popularity once again, as new chapters of the manga are being scribed by Akira Toriyama, including the revelation of Goku’s mother!

Are you excited for the Dragon Ball Z project? Let us know in the comments below.

tgg author avatar kenay peterson
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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