
Grand Theft Auto 5 High Life are set for a release on May 13thcomment_here

gta online the high life 
Are you ready to live the "high life"?

A part of me are really happy about the fact that Rockstar will release the "High Life" DLC for GTA5 and GTA Online next week (May the 13th). But the PC Gamer part of me are pretty upset due the fact that there´s still no PC version of GTA5.

I mean, how much longer do we have to wait really? It´s been over 8 months since GTA5 was released to 360 and PS3 (September 2013). Oh well, time will tell. Anyhow, the High Life DLC will offer new vehicles and weapons to both GTA5 and GTA Online.

So keep your eye´s open for High Life!

"Coming next week on Tuesday May 13th, it's time to expand your foothold in Los Santos with The High Life Update for Grand Theft Auto Online, which features new high-end apartments, multi-property ownership, four new vehicles, the powerful Bullpup Rifle and more. This automatic update to GTA Online adds five new options to the Los Santos real estate market at prime locations like Eclipse Towers, Richards Majestic and others, all featuring the latest new interior design. With multi-property ownership, you'll also now be able to own two distinct properties simultaneously." - Rockstar


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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