Wargame Red Dragon - The overview trailer
I just noticed that Eugen Systems RTS game "Wargame Red Dragon" will be released this spring. And that there´s a brand new trailer for Red Dragon as well, which i just checked out. It´s quite impressive imo. For some reason, it made me think about Command and Conquer (don´t know why though).
So i might just give Wargame Red Dragon a chance this spring!
About Wargame Red Dragon:
"Wargame Red Dragon is the 3rd title in the spectacular Wargame series of real-time strategy games created by Eugen Systems. The series quickly became a new reference point in the RTS genre, beginning with European Escalation, and then its direct sequel, AirLand Battle.
Wargame Red Dragon retains the same core game mechanics that have made the series so successful, but the action leaves Europe for the first time and moves to a conflict in Asia between 1975 and 1991. Wargame Red Dragon once again stretches the limits of the RTS genre, including: dynamic and tense gameplay that demands strategic vision and depth; a spectacular and realistic visual experience; new features such as the warships and maritime units; a perfected dynamic campaign system and much more."