
Facebook buys Oculus Rift - Notch speaks upcomment_here

notch vs facebook
So much for the "Minecraft goes Oculus Rift" thing. Thank you very much Facebook!

I just love the fact that i always find out about the really big news when i´m about to go to sleep. Oh well, as it turns out Facebook have just bought the company behind Oculus Rift. And that started something of a flame war over social media.

And just now i saw that Notch didn't like the whole deal with Facebook buying Oculus Rift. So Notch will cancel the the Oculus Rift version of Minecraft. At least that´s what Notch wrote over Twitter.
"We were in talks about maybe brining a version of Minecraft to Oculus. I just cancelled that deal. Facebook creeps me out." - Markus "Notch Persson, Mojang

But there´s another thing to all this as well. Don´t forget that John Carmack left ID Software not so long time ago. So that he could focus 100% on the Oculus Rift project. Maybe Carmack will return to ID now that Facebook runs the whole Oculus Rift show?

If so, then "maybe" Carmack could focus 100% on Doom 4 instead? If that´s the case. Then there´s at least one good thing to be happy about.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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