
Phorsus - Big Beats in Little Chinacomment_here

phorsus big beats in little china 
"Big Beats in Little China" are worth every damn cent!

This album sure came as a big (but pleasant) surprise to me. I mean, it came out of nowhere. And it´s the fu**ing bomb! Why? Because the beats are sick as hell. Yes, i´m of course talking about Phorsus epic new album "Big Beats in Little China". Which just happens to be inspired by the Kurt Russel and John Carpenter cult movie "Big trouble in little china" (released back in 1986).

And that´s a movie that i will remember for the rest of my life. Because i have always liked that movie. So trust me on this folks. You do NOT wanna miss out on Phorsus "Big Beats in Little China" album!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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