
Dreamhack Valencia - 7-12 July in Spaincomment_here

dreamhack valencia
That´s correct. Dreamhack exists in Spain as well.

Some people may not know this. But Dreamhack is not "just" a big Swedish recurring (yearly) event anymore. Nope, because the Dreamhack event has turned up in other parts of the world as well. Like DH Valencia in Spain for example. 

And the Dreamhack Valencia event will kick off on the 7th of July (it ends July 12th). So if you just happen to be in Spain between the 7th and 12th of July. Then you should pay DH Valencia a visit ;) (the ticket price are nailed down to 15 Euro per ticket)

Welcome to DreamHack Valencia 17-12 July:
"In the middle of July it's time for the fourth edition of DreamHack Valencia in sunny Valencia, Spain net to the Mediterranean sea. In Valencia you can experience both LAN, Expo and eSports, including the third stop of DreamHack Open 2014 where some of world's best StarCrat II players will fight to grab a slot in the DreamHack Open Grand Final at DreamHack Winter later this year.

Go to the www.dreamhack.es and read more about the event and get your day pass ticket only for 15 euro."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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