
DoomCollectors gigantic Doom collectioncomment_here

ps1 doom
Doom are still THE king of FPS games imo.

Thanks to a tip from a old friend of mine (he knows that Im a huge Doom fan), I just heard of a super big Doom collection. The collection belongs to a guy named "DoomCollector" (Youtube).I couldn't believe how much Doom related stuff this one guy actually owns (It´s insane!).

Cuz even my collection are very small compared  to his (and my collection are quite big). But then again, I don´t think that there are that many people that can compete with his Doom collection either. I also have this feeling that Mr "DoomCollector", didn´t show of everything In his collection.

And due the fact that the video are several years old now. Im quite sure that DoomCollectors Doom collection has become even bigger over the years.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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