
Ra's al Ghul is coming to Arrow season 3comment_here

ras al ghul arrow season 3
Ra's al Ghul ain´t the kind of supervillain that you wanna mess with (even Batman fears him).

The biggest news from SDCC came in the form of the Warner Bros. panel was the reveal that Ra’s Al Ghul is set to star in Arrow season 3. While we did speculate on this, and anticipated his arrival, many fans didn’t truly believe we would see the Demon. We weren’t given very much insight into Malcolm Merlyn’s dealings with Ra’s, nor how he successfully abandoned the League of Assassins, and returned to Starling City.

From what we can speculate from the trailer, Black Canary is set to return to Olivers side once more, but will it be for the right reasons or will she have an ulterior motive? We do know she returned to the League of Assassins pending the condition that Oliver’s life was spared. She could be on an assignment from Ra’s al Ghul himself to kill Malcolm Merlyn, for betraying their order.

Knowing that Ra’s al Ghul is coming to Arrow season 3, has a lot of fans ready to see Batman make an appearance, or at the very least a cameo of Bruce Wayne. DC has already said that they plan to keep the comic universe, and the show universe separated, so does that mean we may never see Ra’s al Ghul in Gotham when it premiers on Fox, or hear mention of his name?

This could cause quite the confusion, but DC has been very careful in how they plan to crossover, and implement heroes into their shows, and movies. We’ve already seen that The Atom, and Firestorm are coming to The Flash, and this fits into that circle of heroes.

Arrow is a gritty, and malice filled show that doesn’t need superpowers to make it enjoyable—in fact should we be introduced to such canon the show could lose ratings, as it would lose appeal very quickly, without prejudice. DC will keep the shows on the right pace, as well as transition us over seamlessly when the time is right.

What do you think of Ra’s al Ghul coming to Arrow season 3? Let us know in the comments below!

tgg author avatar kenay peterson
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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