
Pokémon red and blue - Honest trailerscomment_here

pokemon smosh games
Yep, Pokémon are a part of the Matrix. I thought everyone knew that by now.

I can´t really say that i watch (or play) that much Pokémon now days. One could say that i have outgrown the whole thing with Pokémon. I'm not closing the door entirely on Pokémon though. Because i might get the chance to borrow a 3DS over the summer.

So i´m having thoughts on playing some Pokemon X and Y. Anyhow, last night O.J told me about a little Pokémon video called "Pokémon red and blue" (by Honest Trailers and Smosh Games). Well, if you feel like laughing some (at the expense of your Pokémon pride).

Then just check out the video down below ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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