80's Baby - Cain The Producer

A really good electronic hip hop album.
Ah, the 80´s. So we meet again. Say what you want about the 80´s. But that decade had it all. Great music (MJ, Run DMC, Queen and so on), epic movies and tv-series (Transformers, TMNT, Miami Vice, Macgyver) , super cool cloths and great video games.(NES and SMS).
And i had the great pleasure to experience it all. So yeah, every now and than i miss the 80s. But thanks to artists such as "Cain The Producer". I get to relive the 80s again. Just take Cain´s album "80's Baby" for example.
It´s full of references to the 80s. And that album are sooo damn good as well. But don´t take my word for it. Listen to it yourselves ;)