
Neon EP - Versacomment_here

neon ep versa
I love this album!

Yesterday was something of "The night of the internet trolls" for us. But that´s sadly a part of the game. At this moment someone/somebody are abusing the ratingsystem on Youtube (giving ALL of our videos thumbs down). So i guess death threats will be the next thing that will happen to us.

But we are not going to let anyone hold us down. The road to success are very hard indeed, but now we are finally starting to get somewhere. So we ain´t going to slow down one bit, on the contrary. We shall go faster.

But enough of that. I just noticed that three of our Youtube videos has so many views that the counter has stopped at "301" views. So it shall be very interesting to see the "real" view count in the near future. Speaking of "interesting".

I just started to listen to Versa´s album "Neon EP". And it´s really, really good imo. So check it out on bandcamp boys and girls!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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