
Crazy YouTube Conspiracy or Legitimate Concern? - Athenecomment_here

athene youtube conspiracy
Athene thinks that there "might" be a YouTube conspiracy going on in the background.

I just watched Athene´s "Crazy YouTube Conspiracy or Legitimate Concern?" video. And i actually believe that Athene are on to something here. Cuz the more you think about it, the more you realize that there´s something strange going on with Youtube.

And "IF" there´s any truth at all to all the stuff that Athene mentioned in his video. Then Youtube (Google) are in for a really rough ride. Becouse if thats the case. Then Youtube are ripping off people on their hard earned money.

Then it´s no longer "just" a Youtube issue. No, cuz then it's a legal issue. And IF Athene will be able to prove all his theories and beliefs about Youtube (Views and statics). Then Athene will become something of a rather big fly in Googles big soup tureen called Youtube.

I will watch and observe this case very, very closely. You can trust me on that.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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Athene's video Aboutaleb the conspiracy had been remover or blocked apparently ;) which means YouTube is affraid of it's consequences and implications ;) think About it, why else would they remove one of athene's video's???

Svar: I think Athene's right. But the video seems to be up again? Was it down earlier today you mean? :S
The Gaming Ground

Date: 2014-02-03 Time: 19:53:30 Url:

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