
8-Bit Artist - 8-bit pixel paintingscomment_here

super mario bros 3 art
Talk about uber skills!

This has been something of a hot topic for many years now. The whole "Are, and CAN video games be art" thing. Me, i have seen video games as interactive art ever since the late 80s. And the video game boxes and game manuals are full of art.

Just take Baldurs Gate manuals for example. Those manuals are full of awesome art and pictures. So there is no doubt (whatsoever) in my mind that 8-Bit Artist´s creations, counts as art. But don´t take my word on it. Just check out 8-Bit Artist´s awesomeart pieces yourselves!

About 8-bit pixel:
"8-Bit Artist has been painting popular video game scenes since Feb 2005. Been featured in Nintendo Power(No. 214) and Super Juegos Xtreme (No. 172), Blogged about on websites such as Joystiq and will be interviewed in the upcoming documentary Console Wars"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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