
Space Hulk - Deathwingcomment_here

space hulk deathwing
Space Hulk: Deathwing runs on the Unreal Engine 4 technology.

I can hardly remember the last time i played a Warhammer 40K FPS game. But the only game that i do recall was/are "Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior". And if my memory doesn't fail me, that game sucked pretty hard. So im quite sceptical about Streum On Studio and Cyanide Studio´s "Space Hulk: Deathwing" game.

But then again. The only trailer that exists for Deathwing, are a really short teaser trailer (it's less than 1 minute long) for the game. So it´s kind of hard to say anything good (or bad) about Deathwing at this time.

But at least i like the fact that Deathwing uses the Unreal Engine 4 technology. Cuz that should turn Deathwing into a real eye candy experience. But we just have to wait and see how it all turns out. Deathwing are however, set for a release sometime this year (most likely to PC, PS4 and Xbox One).

About Spacehulk Deathwing:
"Space Hulk®: Deathwing™ is a First-Person Shooter experience of Games Workshop's classic Space Hulk boardgame set in the universe of Warhammer 40,000, developed on Unreal Engine 4 by Streum On Studio, the team behind E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy.

Published by Focus Home Interactive and co-produced by Cyanide Studio, Space Hulk: Deathwing offers players the chance to experience a desperate battle against Genestealers in the claustrophobic tunnels of a Space Hulk, as they will gain skills, new abilities and new equipment thanks to experience earned during perilous missions.

Today, Space Hulk: Deathwing is being unveiled for the first time through a first teaser of the game: discover this video where a Deathwing Terminator, stranded in a Space Hulk, is being chased by a horde of Genestealers...

Space Hulks drift along the currents of the Warp, the immaterial dimension of Chaos. Made up of gigantic mangled asteroids, derelict ship wrecks and other spatial debris, they sometimes grow to the size of a moon and often contain treasured and ancient lost technologies. However, they are ripe with danger including infestations of the lethal Genestealers.

Players take on the role of a Space Marine from one of the most secret and most feared Space Marine Companies: the Deathwing from the Dark Angels. Strap on your Terminator armour and equip the emblematic weaponry of the Space Marines to overcome the threats awaiting you in the Space Hulk.

As a Librarian, you will also master the destructive powers of the Psykers. Your skills and performance in battle grant you Fervor Points, to spend on 4 skill trees allowing you to improve your abilities, unlock new powers, access powerful relics and devastating new weapons."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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