
Sam and Max uk - A whole site dedicated to the duocomment_here

sam and max hit the road
The game that started it all för the due.

Oh, the sweet memories! Back in 1993 LucasArts released a really awesome (and fun) point and click adventure game called "Sam and Max: Hit the Road". As soon as i got the chance to play the game. I loved it right away. The design, the graphics, the humor and the crazy Freelance Police duo.

Which consists of Sam (the dog) and Max (the crazy little psychopath rabbit). But as we all know, it toke many, many years for the police duo to get their comeback. But thanks to Telltale Games. Sam and Max are now back in biz again.

And guess what? Earlier today, i heard about a site that´s 100% dedicated to Sam and Max. And it´s called "Sam and Max uk". So if you are a fan of Sam and Max, then you don´t wanna miss out on this one!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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