
Grand Theft Auto V ships 32.5 million unitscomment_here

grand theft auto 5
GTA5 keeps on selling very well (no matter the format).

Take-Two and Rockstar got all the reasons to celebrate and party at the moment. Cuz in case you havn´t heard it yet. GTA5 have sold over 32.5 million units world wide since it´s release. And that have created a 1.86 billion dollar revenue for Rockstar and Take-Two.

But that´s not all. Nope, cuz you also have the digitally-delivered content revenue. Which was 132.8 million dollars (all thanks to GTA Online).  And i bet that GTA5 will sell even more copies and digital content when the game get´s released on PC (soon i hope). 

So, what´s next for Rockstar and GTA5? A handfull of DLC´s i bet.

"As a result of our third quarter performance, we have once again raised our revenue and earnings outlook for fiscal 2014, which is poised to be a record year for Take-Two," said CEO Strauss Zelnick in a press release. "Looking ahead, we firmly expect to deliver Non-GAAP earnings in fiscal 2015 and every year for the foreseeable future." Strauss Zelnick, CEO Rockstar


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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