
Crazy YouTube Conspiracy or Legitimate Concern? - Part 2comment_here

athene youtube conspiracy
Athene might be on to something about Youtube...

Not so long ago i wrote about Athene's video "Crazy YouTube Conspiracy or Legitimate Concern?".Because i believed that Athene has tracked down some really dirty business about Youtube (the darkside of Youtube). Well, it seems like my guts was right about the whole thing.

And earlier today someone commented this on our previous article:

"Athene's video Aboutaleb the conspiracy had been remover or blocked apparently ;) which means YouTube is affraid of it's consequences and implications ;) think About it, why else would they remove one of athene's video's???"From a anonymous source

So make what you want out of it. But there´s some strange and dirty shit going down at the Youtube HQ...

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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