
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag - Astro Gaming headsetcomment_here

assassins creed 4 black flag astro gaming headset
It´s yours for 200 bucks.

I picked up something rather neat on Twitter last night. So i just thought that i could inform you boys and girls about it. Cuz apparently there´s a super cool Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag  Astro Gaming headset on the market (So i´ve been told). And it´s called "A30 Audio System Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Edition".

So if you are a fan of Assassin's Creed, and just happens to have 200 bucks at your disposal. Then you might wanna consider buying the AC4 Astro Gaming headset.

"Awesome #AC4BlackFlag themed @ASTROGaming headsets available at: http://www.astrogaming.com/ pic.twitter.com/mvid8xr6Gx" - Ubisoft via Twitter

"Mark your territory with the limited-edition series of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag A30 tags. Covering all the action from the Black Flag storyline, this exclusive partnership with game developer Ubisoft launches with Logo graphics, and then rolls out a new set each week

— including Pirates, Naval, Flags, Symbols, and Golden Age tags. Swap out your A30 tags as you go: customization is the best way to fly your true colors as you dive deeper into the crashing waves, Caribbean environment and pirate’s code. Whether you’re exploring new territory or marauding for treasure, the Assassin’s Creed IV edition A30 headsets and tag sets are your ticket to full immersion in this bold and brazen world."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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