
Boss fight books - A Gamers first choice for a good readcomment_here

boss fight books
For those whom wants to read a some really good video game related books.

Last night i heard about a really good book series with a video game theme. And the homepage that sells them just happens to be named "Boss fight books" (created by Ken Baumann and Gabe Durham). That´s a very suiting  name really. 

Considering the fact that they sell books based on video games such as "Chrono Trigger" and "Earthbound". So what does the books cost then? About 5 dollars. So it´s a really good deal really =)

The Series
"Boss Fight Books, founded in Los Angeles in June 2013, publishes great books about classic video games. Each of our books will take a critical, creative, historical, and personal look at a single game.

Some books will be about the history of the game’s creation, some will focus on particular elements like level design, story, and music, some will investigate the subculture that has formed around a game, some will bring in outside art, science, and media, and some will have a strong autobiographical element. Many books will be a combination of all these things.

Who are these books for?

Anyone with an interest in games. An interest in how they’re played, how they’re made, how they’re talked about, who they’re for, what gaming does to/for us, their opportunities as an art form, where they’ve been, and where they are going. We think games are worthy of our respect, curiosity, and criticism.

How are the books be released?

Each book is released simultaneously in paperback and as an DRM-free ebook (epub, mobi, and pdf)."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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