
Tomodachi Life - The next Animal Crossing?comment_here

tomodachi life
Tomodachi Life will be released in the UK on the 6th of June this summer (for 3DS).

I honestly haven't had this "omfg!" and "dafuq did i just watch?!" feeling about Nintendos games for years. But then i watched the Tomodachi Life Direct video. And, well. I don´t know what to say exactly. Let´us just say that i had a quite bisar experience.

But if you look past the big "omfg!" factor of the movie. And focus on the "actual" gameplay parts of Tomodachi Life instead. Then it seems like some kind of Animal Crossing kind of game for 3DS? The question remains however.

Will Tomodachi Life be worth our time and money? In June we shall all find out!

About Tomodachi Life:
"What happens when friends, family, and celebrities become Mii™ characters and live together on an island? Tomodachi Life happens! Start by creating Mii characters and customizing everything about them. Have fun recreating your best friend, your favorite actor, mom and dad, co-workers...whoever! Then watch as they rap, rock, eat donuts, fall in love, break up, go shopping, play games, and live their crazy Mii lives."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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