
She Got Game - A female video game documentarycomment_here

she got game
Yep, she got game. Or, to be exact. She got "games".

Not to be evil or ignorant now. But i honestly didn't know who "Cailleah Scott-Grimes" was (she´s a very lovely and talented lady though). Before i watched her Kickstarter video just now. Because Cailleah decided to make a Kickstarter campaign for her video game documentary "She Got Game".

And it went great! Because the orignal goal was to collect $10,000 CAD. Well, She Got Game collected over $12,000 CAD! So that means that the "She Got Game" documentary will happend after all. So i look forward seeing it =)

About She Got Game:
"Ditching the kitchen and grabbing the controller: Uncovering the challenges and misconceptions of women in gaming.

Whether they’re rocking it out on their home consoles or portable gaming devices, designing the next hit RPG or competing in the Major League Gaming Championship, women are building a gaming world of their own. And yet their interests and achievements are still often subject to slander and silly stereotypes. Fake geek gamer girl? Get real! We're ditching the kitchen. We're grabbing the controllers. We're here to listen to some real stories.

We want to know: How does gaming really fit into women's lives socially and professionally? What challenges do these women face every day? What are they doing to change the way video games are made and perceived?

Support She Got Game and join us in exploring the social labyrinth of gaming from a woman's perspective.

So what angle are we coming from? The best way to learn about our Kickstarter is to watch the She Got Game trailer above. This video explains who we are and what we hope to achieve with your help. As proud as we are of our video clip, it's just that... a promo. It's just a taste of what we plan to create. With proper funding this project has the potential to add a fresh, original voice to current perspectives on gaming.

The bigger the budget, the bigger the impact we can make. The promo gives a taste of what we've done and people we've talked to so far..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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