
Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014comment_here

reggie fils aime
Mr Reggie Fils-Aime Aka "The Reggienator".

Things looked very, very dark for Nintendo and the Wii-U. I mean, the Wii-U was doomed. And Nintendo was bleeding money like crazy. But then something happened. Something which no one could have predicted. I´m talking about the super big recovery on Nintendos behalf.

First they announced the Mario Kart 8 bundle (which most likely will save the Wii-U from a total failure). Then there were the video for Tomodachi Life (which made everyone talk about Nintendo). And just the other day, Nintendo unleashed THE coolest Nintendo video that i've have seen in a very long time.

Yes, i´m of course refering to the "Play Nintendo" video (the video further down the page). The very same video that revealed the  Super Smash Brosinvitational tournament (that´s taking place during the E3 event this year).

So, bravo Nintendo.You turned the tables around completely to your advantage!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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