
New Japanese war machine in War Thunder!comment_here

war thunder japan
The Japanese had some pretty impressive war machines during WWII.

Gaijin Entertainment ain´t that kind of video game company that slacks a lot. Nope, because Gaijin always tries to evolve and improve their game. Which in this case just happens to be War Thunder. Just take the new Japanese war machine for example.

That´s going to add some new gameplay value to War Thunder (at least i hope so). And you can read all about it furthur down the page =)

Press release:
"At the end of March 1945 the Burmese National Army engaged Japanese occupational forces in fierce combat, and with the support of the Allies, soon liberated their country from invading forces. The Japanese army was unable to turn the tide of battle despite deploying their experimental war machine Daikaidzu "Gaijilla" GD11a , which the natives called "giant monster".

Gaijin Entertainment announces that in honor of this historic encounter, War Thunder will soon be introducing a new experimental unit for Japan. Unlike most Japanese combat vehicles, the new model is slower to manoeuvre in battle, but with regards to its durability and ammunition, it has no rivals.

To test this new prototype, players have to install the dev-version of the game by using a special launcher

About War Thunder
Over five million players already know the enjoyment of raining down aerial destruction via the PC and PlayStation®4 versions of War Thunder. War Thunder is currently in Open Beta on PC, in development for Mac OS and Oculus Rift, and is available in Europe on PS4™. In addition, Gaijin Entertainment has launched the third wave for the Ground Forces Expansion closed beta program. To download War Thunder
for free from the official website and join in a heated battle to dominate the skies, visit http://warthunder.com

About Gaijin Entertainment
Gaijin Entertainment is the developer and publisher of the online games War Thunder and Star Conflict, as well as PC, Mac, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, iOS and Android titles across several genres. The company’s diverse portfolio has received a range of mass media and game industry awards including such as KRI Awards, Gamescom Award and many more. Official website: http://gaijinent.com

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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