
New Call of Duty “ Blacksmith “ will be announced Maycomment_here

call of duty blacksmith
Sledgehammer Games will take on the role as the sole developer for COD Blacksmith. 

The next Call of Duty codenamed “Blacksmith “ will be announced in May. This comes, as an astounding surprise. Activision, apparently has decided to skip E3 to announce the Immortal shooter, but will use the expo to reveal more details during their reveal of the game.

What remains unclear, is whether it will be Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4, or the next game in the series. I do hope that they create a different name for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4, as this can lead to a lot of confusion with Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare.

Through a leak, allegedly from an industry insider, and via a developer’s Lindkedin profile, it suggests it will be the latter.

Sledgehammer Games, who worked alongside Infinity Ward for the last Call of Duty Modern Warfare game, will be the sole developer behind Call of Duty “ “ Blacksmith " in 2014. This shows that Activision will continue with its rotation of three studios, who have helped to develop the Call of Duty series.

This will also include Call of Duty Black Ops developer Treyarch, as well. During a recent investor's call, Activision revealed the new three year development cycle for the three developers involved, which will see a new Call of Duty game launch each year.

Hopefully, this will not spell doom for the Call of Duty series, as saturating the industry with a successful franchise, can kill the enjoyment of  it. Unfortunately in recent times too many games have been doing this. With E3 right around the corner we’ll hold onto our hopes, and see what develops. Stay tuned for more.

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

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