
Leo’s Fortune - A beautiful platform game for iOScomment_here

leos fortune
Can you help Leo to find his stolen fortune?

It sure seems like the Swedish indie studio 1337 and Senri (the creators of Devil’s Attorney and Dark Nebula) got something really nice going down with their iOS platform game "Leo’s Fortune" (it´s yours for $5 via the App store). At least that´s what i feelt when i watched the beautiful announcement trailer for the game.

So i might just give it a try =)

Press release:
"Leo’s Fortune is a beautiful new platformer from 1337 & Senri, the creators of Devil’s Attorney and Dark Nebula. 1337 & Senri, a 4-person team from Sweden, have put their unique spin on the platforming genre and raised the bar for graphics in a mobile or tablet game. It’s a premium game with no in-app purchases, available now in Sweden for Kr. 38.00 / Denmark for Kr. 32.00 / Norway for Kr. 35.00 / Finland for Euro 4.49 in the App Store for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

Leo’s Fortune follows the story of Leopold, a mustached furball who was once wealthy but wakes up one day to discover his gold fortune has been stolen. The thief dropped gold like a trail of breadcrumbs, which Leo must follow to recover his fortune and find the culprit. Along the way you’ll meet Leo’s strange family and reveal a twisting mystery.

You’ll jump and float to avoid deadly traps, solve physics-based puzzles, and guide Leo through 24 hand-crafted levels. Each level is one enormous, unique piece of art, a first ever for a mobile platformer.

This is the first game to release from Tilting Point’s developer partners."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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