
Final Fantasy XV - The beginning of the end?comment_here

final fantasy xv
Final Fantasy XV are a TBA title for Xbox One and the PS4. 

Funny. There´is almost one year ago since Square Enix showed the whole world their Final Fantasy XV trailer at E3 (2013). And here we are. It´s 2014, and E3 are coming up fast. So what have changed since E3 2013? Well, A whole lot actually.

For starter, the Final Fantasy fans have started to lose their trust and faith in Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV Online did however, repair some of that distrust. But will that be enough? Well, not if you ask Sony. Because if you haven't heard it yet.

Sony just sold their entire stake in Square Enix (which are/were valued to around 47 million dollars). And imo, it´s quite clear that Sony have lost both their interest and trust in Square Enix. And i don´t know if Final Fantasy XV (and Kingdom Hearts 3) would change anything of that. if it sells really well i mean.

Because i have this feeling that the damage has already been done. And it can´t be undone. At the same time. How much longer will the Final Fantasy IP last really? I mean, Square has been milking that franchise to death since the 1987...

About Final Fantasy XV:
"The armed forces of Niflheim launch a devastating assault upon the Kingdom of Lucis, casting Crown Prince Noctis and his comrades out of their homes and into the fray. The engaging tale to follow draws audiences into an awe-inspiring world steeped in the rich storytelling traditions of SQUARE ENIX's renowned First Production Development Team.

FINAL FANTASY XV will be available for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One®."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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