
Chroma - Harmonix music-driven FPS gamecomment_here

Chroma are not your every day kind of FPS game. That´s for sure.

It´s kind of funny now that i think about it. Because i have complained for years that nothing big or revolutionary has happened with the FPS genre in the past 10 years. So what did it take to make that big change? A none famous FPS development studio.

I´m of course talking about Harmonix FPS/music game Chroma. A FPS game which (imo) are THE most interesting and uniq FPS game i´ve seen in many, many years. And guess what? You can now sign up for the Chroma beta =)

Game on!

About Chroma:
"Completely reimagining the classic Arena FPS formula, Chroma infuses fast-paced PC shooter action with music-driven gameplay. Join the fight as a Fader, a musical icon of the future, and battle for control of the all-encompassing cultural feed known as The Signal. In Chroma, music is your weapon. Sound is your arsenal."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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