
Ace Attorney update - The very first trailercomment_here

phoenix wright
Ace Attorney Grand Turnabout Trial: The Adventures of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke. Takes place in the Meiji era.

So the first trailer for the new Meiji era Ace Attorney shows us the stars of the 3DS game, and their more classic courtroom backdrop. There's no gameplay featured, but we do get a very good look at Ryuichi Naruhodo, ancestor of one Phoenix Wright, and the lady who's likely his assistant in floral dress, Mikatoba Susato.

I still hope one of the Fey family members show up, and get accused of murder again, that would be epic to see, or have them threaten his ancestor, Ryuichi.

According to the Ace Attorney site Court-Records.net, Susato is an "ideal Japanese woman" who is a lover of foreign detectives, and a progressive dreamer. Knowing the Ace Attorney series, there's probably a bit more to her than that, hopefully something suspicious, to the point of death.

Capcom only just announced the game for Japan, so no surprise that there's no word on the turn-of-the-20th-century adventure turning out for the West. 

It does seem a little frustrating that Japan would make an exsclusive title for themselves, and not share it with the rest of the world. We did see this in a fashion with Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, as it was only released in North America on the Nintendo E-shop. 

Watch the trailer and comment below tell us what you think!!!

/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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