
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Serious Monkey Businesscomment_here

donkey kong country 2 serious monkey business
Ett absolut MÅSTE album för de som gillar DKC.

Det här var/är utan tvekan den här veckans absolut bästa nyhet imo. Vill säga att OverClocked Remix ÄNTLIGEN släppt sitt Donkey Kong Country 2 - Serious Monkey Business album (Som tagit 2 och ett halvt år att göra). Hela 3st skivor till priset utav noll kronor.

Så om ni laddar ner albumet, donera då en slant till OverClocked Remix. För de förtjänar verkligen pengarna!

"After two and a half years, Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business is finally released!

Serious Monkey Business has been in the works since around November 1, 2007, when initial invitations were extended. Since that fateful beginning, artists have poured hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into the music until shaped into its final form of this album. It's with much gladness that finally Geoffrey Taucer and I are able to bring this album to fruition and to all the listeners out there.

Whether it be new age, trance, rock ballad, or orchestral, I hope this album offers something for the listener & perhaps in a genre the listener may not normally enthused to listen to. If so, then the album has accomplished its purpose, however small. As a co-director, I would like to see people explore the possibilities offered by music of various genres, and I think we have succeeded in putting together a melting pot album with a lot of accessibility.

So without further ado, bon appetit!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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