
Chivalry - Deadliest Warriorcomment_here

chivalry deadliest warrior

Deadliest Warrior bjuder på 6st nya klasser (bla Ninjor). Vilken klass väljer du?

Satan vad det var/är blandade känslor kring Torn Banner Studios nyaste tillskott till Chivalry serien. Vill säga Deadliest Warrior. Men om jag säger så här. En stor del utav kommentarerna på Deadliest Warrior trailern, var/är utav negativ natur.

De flesta klagar på spelets upplägg med vapen som man måste låsa upp för att kunna använda de (läs kommentarerna här nedanför!). Men som sagt var, jag har inte spelat Deadliest Warrior (det här däremot O.J gjort!).

Jag kommer dock hur som helst att köpa Deadliest Warrior via Steam (kostar 14 Euro). Då jag gillar Chivalry serien, samt så äger ju Deadliest Warrior trailern riktigt hårt!

"Don't you love how they show weapons unlocked? Its dumb as fuck that the game introduces weapons that have specific roles then forces you to unlock them, WHICH WOULDNT BE TOO BAD IF THE UNLOCKING AND STAT TRACKING SYSTEM FUCKING WORK CANT GET MORE ANNOYING THAN BEING STUCK WITH ONE WEAPON UNABLE TO UNLOCK OTHERS. Literally torn banner studios is a fucking rat that just follows the model of normal shooters with unlocking, ranking, killing sprees est. Fuck you Torn banner studios and your half assed broken game." - flames100000

"Is this seriously the released version?
Wow this looks so unfinished. It's awful." - foxnewsisfauxnews

"Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior is a massive expansion pack for the best First-Person Slasher, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Featuring competitive online combat that seeks to capture the experience of truly being on a medieval battlefield. Inspired from the intensity and epicness of swordfighting movies such as 300, Gladiator and Braveheart, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare aims to bring that experience to the hands of a gamer. 

And now Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior will bring the most iconic warriors from the ancient world, epic new environments and all new game modes to the already expansive base game content. 

Every environment is an iconic homeland of one of the warrior factions. Fight in ancient Greek temples, kicking people into pits as a Spartan or run along moonlit roofs as a Ninja in a bamboo forest. Who is the DEADLIEST WARRIOR? Its time for YOU to decide."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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