
Thief 4 - En försmak på vad som komma skallcomment_here

thief 4 candle tease
Den 2 April så kommer nästa trailer för Thief 4 att släppas. Jag undrar vad den kommer att innehålla?

Så kom äntligen den första teaser trailern för Eidos nya Thief spel (Thief 4). Det var/är dock ingen jätte stor eller maffig trailer ska nämnas. Den är endast 21 sekunder lång, och egentligen så avslöjar den inget konkret heller. Det var mer en demostrationsvideo för Thief 4s grafikmotor.

Komiskt nog så finner man det mest intressanta godiset i slutet utav den korta trailern. Nämligen att Eidos kommer att släppa nästa Thief 4 film den 2 April. Så förhoppningsvis så kommer den att innehålla "lite" mer matnyttiga grejer, än ljus filmen.

"Today is a day that I’ve been looking forward to for some time now. But, before I get into the good news, let me explain a little...

For a while now, we’ve wanted to find a way to give our dedicated fans a little something, a look, a taste, a tease of what’s to come. Fans have been asking, but we’ve not always been able to share as much with you as we’ve wanted. And, that hasn’t stopped Thief fans flocking to the forums in droves, filling the boards with the same type of excitement and anticipation that can only be found on the studio floor here at Eidos-Montréal.

And speaking of the team at Eidos-Montréal, it’s no small feat for a group of such creative people to be kept away, working in the shadows for so long. As many artists will testify, the most rewarding part of the creative process is being able to share your work with your audience and finally see their reaction. It’s the very fuel that drives and feeds the creative spirit.

Today, the shadows are lifting. As a small token of appreciation from the Thief team to you - our patient and dedicated fans (especially those of you on the Official Thief forums!) - we’ve been able to arrange something very special to share with you all. Something I know you’ve been wanting, and something the whole team is excited to share with you.

Your very first glimpse of in-engine footage from Thief. The coolest thing about this video is that it was completely captured in-engine, in real time. And YES, I can confirm that what you’re seeing is Garrett’s actual 3D mesh that is used in the game.

The sequence was not taken from gameplay, but was specifically rendered for you guys in the community. We’ve wanted to put something together to share with you for a while now as a token of our appreciation for your dedication and patience – and we sincerely hope you enjoy it.

This teaser is just a very small taste of what’s to come. And, as a matter of fact, what’s to come is arriving in a mere matter of days! Set your watches taffers."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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