
Paper vs Paper - Ett unikt RTS spel för Ipadcomment_here

paper vs paper
Kan Paper vs Paper bli något tro?

Jag kan väl inte direkt påstå att det hänt några större förändringar inom RTS genren på senare år. Faktumet är ju att genren förblivit den samma (i stort sätt) sedan Dune, Warcraft och Command and Conquer 1 tiden. Men turligt nog så finns det person som vill ändra på det.

Ta bara Grundysofts Paper vs Paper t.ex. Det är verkligen ett RTS spel över det vanliga. För tydligen så kommer man att få delta på riktigt i spelet. Alltså, ett realtids multiplayer spel. Tråkigt nog så äger jag ingen Ipad för tillfället.

För jag hade gärna velat testa Paper vs Paper (som bör landa på Appstore vilken dag som helst nu).

"We are very close to our first commercial release. It’s going to happen this Friday and I’m very excited. I’m still holding my fingers crossed. I can’t believe we are this close. This means a lot to me. For the past couple of months people would ask me what I did and I would say “I make games” and people would ask ” What games have you made?” and that always punched me in the belly.

Especially at parties, around family or chit-chatting with no so relative relatives I felt some pressure to show something tangible. After next Friday I can grab an Ipad out of my pocket and say ” This. this is what I made”.

I’m very curious about what people will think of it. What the reviewers like or dislike about it. What the consumers think about it. It’s hard to go by my own about the game. I think it’s something to be proud of though. It has some unusual gameplay and a visual style that is far away from what I normally do. All I want is that somewhere in the world a person will chalenge a friend with this game and have fun with it.

Fingers crossed."

"Paper vs Paper is a easy to play strategy game that is multiplayer-only.
It’s a game made in a team-up with Self Made Miracle. We are friends.
It will soon be released on Ipad. Stay tuned."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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