
Killer is Dead - Crossing the Swords Trailercomment_here

killer is dead
Den 30 Augusti så har Killer Is Dead release till 360 och PS3.

Jag vet e tusan om inte Suda 51 lyckats överträffa sig själv i och med "Killer Is Dead". Det är så som jag känner i alla fall. För nog för att han gjort galna speltitlar tidigare. Men Killer Is Dead, känns på sätt och vis som en mix utav Suda 51s alla tidigare titlar.

Men om det är på gott eller ont, återstår att se. Releasen kommer i alla fall att ske i Augusti, och den nyaste trailern (Crossing the Swords) bådar riktigt gott.

"KILLER IS DEAD is a brand new action title jointly developed by KADOKAWA GAMES and GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE, with SUDA51 lending his trademark sense of style at the helm.

A reputable execution agency's newest recruit, Mondo Zappa, takes center stage as he stalks and beheads a wide variety of heinous criminals all across the world (and even, perhaps, outside of it). As he settles into his new job, he also comes to terms with his own inner demons, balancing his talent for dispensing swift and brutal justice with his fleeting memories of a traumatic past, and peppering it all with his many sensual conquests.

Be he a killer, a lover or a gigolo, his many tales of passion and brutality begin with his appointment at Bryan´s Executioner Office. A whole world of pain and pleasure awaits, and there's no telling where it might take him next..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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